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爱迪生的故事 爱迪生 一生只上过三个月的小学,他的学问是靠母亲的教导和自修得来的.他的成功,应该归功于母亲自小对他的谅解与耐心的教导,才使原来被人认为是低能儿的爱迪生,长大后成为举世闻名的“发明大王”. 爱迪生从小就对很多事物感到好奇,而且喜欢亲自去试验一下,直到明白了其中的道理为止.长大以后,他就根据自己这方面的兴趣,一心一意做研究和发明的工作.他在新泽西州建立了一个实验室,一生共发明了电灯、电报机、留声机、电影机、磁力析矿机、压碎机等等总计两千余种东西.爱迪生的强烈研究精神,使他对改进人类的生活方式,作出了重大的贡献. “浪费,最大的浪费莫过于浪费时间了.” 爱迪生常对助手说.“人生太短暂了,要多想办法,用极少的时间办更多的事情.” 一天,爱迪生在实验室里工作,他递给助手一个没上灯口的空玻璃灯泡,说:“你量量灯泡的容量.”他又低头工作了. 过了好半天,他问:“容量多少? ”他没听见回答,转头看见助手拿着软尺在测量灯泡的周长、斜度,并拿了测得的数字伏在桌上计算.他说:“时间,时间,怎么费那么多的时间呢?”爱迪生走过来,拿起那个空灯泡,向里面斟满了水,交给助手,说:“里面的水倒在量杯里,马上告诉我它的容量.” 助手立刻读出了数字. 爱迪生 说:“这是多么容易的测量方法啊,它又准确,又节省时间,你怎么想不到呢?还去算,那岂不是白白地浪费时间吗?” 助手的脸红了. 爱迪生喃喃地说:“人生太短暂了,太短暂了,要节省时间,多做事情啊!”把文章大致翻译,主要是珍惜时间的!
The story of Edison Edison life had taken only the three months of primary school, his knowledge is to rely on mother's teaching and practice from his success, should be credited to the mother of his understanding from early childhood and patience of teaching, just make the original were considered moron Edison, grow up to become world-famous invention is the king
Edison since childhood to the many things felt curious, and like go to test it, until understand the truth so far grow up, he according to their own interests, heart and soul to do research and invention of his work in New Jersey set up a laboratory and life were invented the electric light to the telegraph the phonograph motion-picture machine magnetic post-mortem crushed ore machine machine, etc, more than two thousand kinds of total thingsEdison's strong research spirit made him to the improvement of the human way of life, made a significant contribution to waste, the biggest waste is a waste of time Edison used to aides say life is too short, more will be to think of ways to use very little time to do more things a day, Edison working in the lab, he handed assistant a mouth empty glass lamp not light bulb, say: you measure the capacity of the bulb and he bowed their heads and work
After a good half-day, he asked: how much capacity? He didn't hear the answer, turn a head to see assistant took the end in the perimeter of the light bulb measured rake, and got the measurement of digital fell on the table calculation he said: time, time, how the fee be so much time? Edison came and took the empty light bulbs, to fill it with water, and gave the assistant, said: the inside of the poured water into the cup, immediately told me it the capacity of the assistant immediately read digital Edison said: this is how easy the measuring methods of ah, it and accurate, and save time, how do you that? Also to be, that is not in vain to waste of time? Assistant blushed Edison says mumblingly: life is too short, is too short, to save time

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