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假设你是某中学的学生会生活部的部长, Lucy 。你要代表学生给校长反映对学校食堂的看法,并提出建议

满意之处: 1 .提供很多种类的食物; 2 .饭菜价格便宜,味道可口; 3 .食堂环境已经改善

不满意之处: 1 .食物分量不足; 2 .食堂的座位不够,一些学生吃饭时没有座位。

建议:希望学校会考虑增添些座位;改进饭菜的 质量;改善服务

要求: 1 .注意使用建议信的文体和委婉句式.

2 .写作时,要包括所列的要点,但不要逐句翻译.

3 .信的开头和结尾已经写出。

4 .作文的字数在 120 左右。

词汇:   食堂 canteen  改善 improve  质量 quality

Dear Headmaster

I am the minister of students' life in the Student Union


Yours sincerely



Dear Headmaster ,

I am the minister of students' life in the Student Union . I wonder if you will not mind me writing to ask if you have thought about the following things . On behalf of all the students , I am writing to you to give our opinions about the canteen .

Our canteen has something satisfactory and something unsatisfactory as well . To our satisfaction , many kinds of the food are supplied to us . Besides this , the food is cheap and tastes good . We all enjoy the food . And the surroundings in the canteen have also been improved . But the quantity of service they give is not enough . The seats are not enough as well . Some students can not find the seats when eating .

Finally we advise them to improve the quality of the food and their service . I hope my suggestions will meet with your approval . We will feel very happy if these problems can be solved .

Yours ,



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