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The Clique
When new girl Claire Lyons moves to Westchester from Orlando,she immediately finds out that fitting in is going be a lot harder than she thought it would be.exactly Claire isn't a rich girl with designer duds and expensive shoes or handbags...but unfortunately,every other girl at the prestegious Octavian County Day School is.What's worse is that Massie Block,the most popular girl at OCD is out to make Claire's life miserable...and it doesn't help that Claire is living in her guest house.Massie and her friends Alicia Rivera,Kristen Gregory,and Dylan Marvil (The Pretty Committee- as they call themselves- I think they're just annoying dorks who think that they're cool cuz they're rich),will do whatever it takes to destroy Claire.What they don't realize,however,is that Claire won't take all their tormenting lying down,and when she finally has enough,Massie might be humiliated when she finds out that Chris Abeley has a girlfriend and isn't interested in her.

形容女子使月亮躲藏,使花朵害羞.形容女子容貌非常美丽.()形容女子身材修长.()眉毛眼睛清秀迷人.  2020-04-26 …

1形容使月亮躲藏,使花朵害羞.形容女子容貌美丽的词语2形容女子身材修长的词语3形容眉毛眼睛清秀迷人  2020-05-13 …

收集描写古代女子容貌和风景的段落收集描写古代女子容貌的段落收集描写美丽风景的段落(如果可以找到出处  2020-05-15 …

从古至今,有哪个女的可以被称为君子?君子不止可以形容男的,也可以形容女的.那从古至今,有哪个女的可  2020-05-16 …

“三十而立”可以形容女子吗“三十而立”来自孔子,在古代是形容男子的.但想知道在现代女子可以用“三十  2020-06-11 …

下面这些句子都是形容女子的形态和容颜的,根据意思写出词语.眉毛眼睛清秀迷人.比喻女子的容貌端庄美丽  2020-06-15 …

根据意思写出成语(1)使月亮躲藏,使花朵害羞.形容女子容貌非常美丽.()(2)形容女子身材修长.(  2020-07-03 …

作业:形容女子使月亮躲藏,使花朵害羞。形容女子容貌非常美丽。()形容女子身材修长。()眉毛眼睛清秀  2020-07-12 …

回眸一笑形容女子,那对应什么词形容男子呢?回眸一笑百媚生,形容女子,那什么形容男子呢?天生丽质难自  2020-07-13 …

有没有一句古语可以形容:"知道自己的短处就要避开,要虚心学习别人的长久,才能进步"最好是有这么样一句  2020-11-03 …