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Along with the continuous development of the tourism industry and tourist products,the cultural landscape in tourist market has been fully excavated,and the former residences of celebrities have drawn more and more attention of the public as a unique cultural landscape.The issue of protection and development of the former residences of celebrities has also been focused in the agenda of various tourism-related departments.As a tourist product with the carrier of celebrity culture,the former residences of celebrities have their own unique tourist functions and characteristics.Our country has a vast territory with different folk customs in different geographical regions,and the former residences of celebrities scattered everywhere have a landscape feature closely related to the local cultures.This article suggests that the development of the former residences of celebrities should not be limited to the protection.In order to achieve the long-term future development of the former residences of celebrities,we should commence the development from their own tourist functions,and effectively convey the related information of the former residences of celebrities to the tourists,thus enable the public have a correct and comprehensive understanding of the former residences of celebrities.

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