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Dear XX,
How are you?
At the very first,I want to give you my warmest welcome for your visiting to our country.It is winter now,and it is so cold in most part of our country.It is better to bring some warmer clothes along with you.This is the first thing.
2nd,make sure your passport,ID card as well as other certifications are in your bag.
3nd,it is wise to bring some medicine along with you in case of emergency while you happen to stay at a remote historic place of interest,at this moment you would take first-aid.
4th,take an extra moblie battery so that you could get in touch with your friend in emergency.
5th,remember to bring a camera with you,thus you could take photoes during your visiting.
6th,make sure you’ve got enough money.
Again,welcome to visit our country.Hope you have a good time while staying in our country.

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