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请帮我检查一下语法错误和措词,我要给移民官看的,还有在描写我们结婚半年之后,因为感情不合破裂而离婚 的地方能不能再帮我加几句,我不知道怎么写.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I request to cancel the application of immigrating to Canada.My ex-husband is the main application,and I am the vice-applicant.We applied to immigration in May 2006,received File No.on June 9th,2006.The File No.is B 049588324.
My ex-husband’s name is XXX.We acquainted with each other in May,2003 and fell in love.He is one year older than me.Two and a half years later,we got married.I was a senior student in the university at that time,and he had worked for more than a year.Then he wanted to immigrate to Canada and I became the vice-application naturally.However,half a year ago,we divorced because the affection is unsuited.We received divorce certificate at September 6th,2006.
Now one year past,I remembered I still as the vice-applicant.So I write this letter to notify the emigrant officer that we have already divorced,and I reply to cancel the application of immigrating to Canada.Please authorize.
Dear Sir or Madam,I request to cancel the application of immigrating to Canada.My ex-husband is the main applicant,and I am the vice-applicant.We applied to immigrate in May 2006,and received File No....

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