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The Recipe for Green Beijing
Beijing is the capital of China ,it is a big and prosperous city.Beijing is the political center of China.So,there are ten of thousands of foreigners come to Beijing every day.As a Chinese ,we must to show our the best face for these foreigners friends------by this token,we must take care of our environment ,love and protect the environment of Beijing,make the Beijing in a green.
The air is almost dirty in the Beijing,all the time do harm to people's health ,that’s so terrible!We must to do some things for aerial pollution .We should cleanse the air ,change to clean.So ,what shall we do for the air
No.1 we should reduce driving ,we should when we go outside ,most of people by bus or by subway ,some people like going outside by bike ,I like do that ,too!Because that’s good for our healthy!
No.2 we should plant more trees beside the road .These trees can make of the air be cleaner ,they also can become more and more beautiful of Beijing.But!we never hurt the Green Plants!
No.3 abroad,in public the sign is“Please do not leave litter ”in Chinese That’s so shame!
So,people never throw the litter in public,we must throw the litter in the bin.
There are more ideas about protect the environment.But,we should know:“Many hands make light work.”So,don’t say:“Let me protect the environment.”we should say:“Let’s protect the environment all the people!Let’s contribute our strength for the Green Beijing ”
1.tens of thousands of
2 there are ten of thousands of foreigners come to Beijing every day.there are sb do sth?很奇怪啊
3 must show / must do 后面自己改
4 our the best face是不对的,our best face 或者 the best face
5 foreign friends
6 make Beijing green.Beijing 前没有the,后面的自己都去掉,in a green也很奇怪
7要我命了.真多,主语是air,does harm,almost dirty 也很别扭
8We must to do some things for aerial pollution,为了污染做事情?不要中文直译,to prevent pollution.
9 不要用NO1.2.3,用firstly secondly,lastly

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