早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



图中文字:三十年前……   后来……    
1. 描述图画所反映的事件;
2. 对图中现象加以分析;
3. 针对这个现象提出建议。
1. 考生可适当发挥,使文章内容充实、连贯;
2. 词数120词左右
3. 词汇:filial piety 孝心

As we can see, filial piety is prevailing all through the two pictures: in the first picture, the mother is supporting her little daughter while in the second picture, her daughter, who has grown up, is supporting her aged mother instead.
 What a happy family full of precious love! The two pictures indicate us: we need to show our concern and respect to our parents. However, most of us fail to do this job. First of all, as our lifestyle moves quickly,we are less likely to hold enough awareness on our filial piety. As young men who consider the career as the priority, they often choose to migrate with theirjobs, work around the clock and rest with the work files, leaving parents in empty nests. Besides, many people are used to substituting their care for parents with money or gifts. While it is beyond dispute that material support can improve ones’ living standards, what those aged people need most is the mental satisfaction and love from their children such as a simple call, a short being back home。
 It is easy to draw this conclusion that, to our parents, nothing can be better than the filial piety from children. Whenever possible, we should gather around thetable for a “reunion dinner” with our parents; whether busy or not, we need togive our parents a call and tell them we are fine. Only with the sense our filial piety can our parents lead a really happy life.


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