早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


写了一点串词 开场白之类的东西 但作为一个英语挂科的人,我是翻译不出来的
ps:狗血的是要立马用 请今天晚上看到的帮下忙 明天早上就要用了 7点前 分全给
主角有个严厉的父亲,慈爱的母亲,父亲一直在指导,鞭策主角飞得更高,母亲关心他飞得累不累.母亲给了主角飞的梦想,父亲帮助他实现它.我们父母总是以不同的方式关心,爱护着我们.上个周末是母亲节,愿天下的父母健康 快乐
大概就这些了,还有课文里有一句英语 if you want something,work for it
如果你有什么好的理解 也下下来
Today we're going to spend about half a class to give a lecture to you. Well, it's a formidable task, because one has to be responsible for his minds and ideas that he beats into the other's heads. During the half lesson, it's no subjective factors, no individual viewpoint, so there is no Asking Questions, no communication, no recitation, and no applause.
Now we let's begin our lecture. Sentenses is a very important point of English learning, and it makes those words that are independent,abstract more comprehensive. So now our team will put the words into sentences to let you more easily take in.
The protagnist in the story had a father who was very strict, while his mother was loving. The father was always urging on him flying higher and higher, while his mother asking him whether he was tired. His mom gave him the dream of flying, and his father guided him to realize it. Well, so we know our parents are always giving us their love in different ways.
Last Sunday is Mother's Day. We wish all fathers and mothers healthy and happy!
If you want something, work for it 如果你想要得到什么,就要为它去奋斗