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可是因为最近忙碌没有时间完成..请大家帮帮忙 要求原创 并且用英文
Creat a country
1.creat a lanuage name
2.creat a national flag and explain why
3.creat currency(money) and the name
4.creat a map--with a capital city
5.creat a name for your country
6.creat 5 laws
7.what is your major industary?
8.what kind of leader do you want(like king,queen,president)
9.does your country have drugs?(what kind of drug?)
10.do you let people visit your country and why?
the country i create called Anglila.
the language of anglia is anglilan.
the flag of anglila is a big earth,the background color is deep blue.it has people animals and plants on it.means peaceful and hope
money in Anglila called tong.it has from 10000 to 10 tong.
the map of Anglila looks like a tiger,the capital city is angeng
the leader of Anglila is the queen,every one likes the queen.and her beautiful carriage
five laws in Anglila:1 no drugs 2 no car(only take carriage) 2 everyone has their own house and horse 3 not allow wear red trousers 4 call policeman fatty put to prison 5 horse riding while drinking coffe not allow using carriage
the major industry in Anglila is making carriage,because carriage and horse in here is instead of car and other in this country.our carriage can be send overseas
no drugs in my country,people in Anglia is extra healthy than any other countries.because no drugs here
i will let people visit my country in the future,when people become know it,the country of Anglila

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