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Since 1873 Maxwell (Maxwell) built since the basic equations of electromagnetic field theory, electromagnetic waves obtained a rapid development. At present, the research into the electromagnetic fields, already used widely, such as the antenna radio waves propagation, optical fiber communication and mobile communications, radar technology, microwave and electromagnetic imaging, etc. Electromagnetic wave propagation in the actual environment is very complex, such as all kinds of complicated target scattering, complex structure in the radiation, the antenna waveguide and microstrip structure of transmission, etc. With the rapid development of the computer technology, a large amount of numerical calculation method of the electromagnetic fields are constantly emerging, and get widely. Electromagnetic field of mathematical model is solving actual analysis, due to Maxwell equations, Maxwell equations is a set of differential equation or integral equation, electromagnetic field main numerical analysis method based on spatial discretization into the differential equation method and based on the surface or internal scattering body discretization integral equation method two kinds big. FDTD method was) belong to the differential equation method, finite difference time domain method is simple, intuitive and mesh dissection results of simple, etc. In recent years the FDTD is developing very rapidly, and in many ways are important application, including antenna design, microwave circuit design, emc analysis, electromagnetic scattering calculation, photonics, application, etc.
This paper firstly gives an overview of the electromagnetic field calculation method, then analyzed the basic principle algorithm FDTD algorithm are given, the basic principle of one-dimensional, in turn 2d and 3d electromagnetic wave propagation simulation by matlab language programming steps and problems should be paid attention to, and analyzed their simulation results with matlab language, finally come to the electromagnetic wave propagation FDTD algorithm based on simulated programming, some conclusions.

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