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Into the twenty-first century,advances in technology,rapid development into the world economy and fierce competition,businesses in this background,the face of fierce competition to remain unbeaten on the need to build an advanced technology,one mind,action consistent with the continuous and rapid response to market changes decision-making team,how to build such a team become an important strategic business management objectives.In this new era and a new background,the building needs of the corporate culture of the times as to create a strong competitive team,an important means to adapt to how to build a corporate culture needs of the times,played the most competitive enterprises in modern business management an important issue.Enterprise culture is big in certain social and cultural environment under the influence of long-term business leaders through advocacy and the positive identification of all employees and practice,the formation of the overall values,beliefs pursuit,operating characteristics,management style and the sum of the traditional and customary it as a sub-culture can cultivate awareness,unity of people thinking,improve relationships,enhance cohesion,stimulate their creativity,but also help improve corporate reputation and brand image.Optimize the management and culture,can promote the healthy growth of enterprises.Culture fundamentally determines the ultimate fate of an enterprise.This paper describes what is corporate culture and its role in enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises,proposed building of enterprise culture in terms of the current problems,and in response to these problems,on the Reflections building of enterprise culture.

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