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1 中国的韩剧
1.1 经济方面
1.2 文化方面
2 韩剧的波及效果和韩国的文化政策
2.1 韩剧的波及效果
2.2 韩国的文化政策
3 中国民众对韩流的反应
3.1 反韩流的概念
3.2 中国出现反韩流的原因及背景
3.3 中国的抗韩流
Popularity of Korean TV dramas and Korean pop culture in the Chinese
In Chinese the contemporary cultural context, "Korean wave" is not a make peoplestrange words. On the one hand, the Korean pop culture through television and theinternet widely spread in the Chinese territory; on the other hand, the popular Korean culture industry as an economic industry with its unique system and benefit received extensive attention in other Asian countries. This paper focuses on the popularity ofKorean dramas and Korean pop culture in the Chinese, and try to make the corresponding explanation of its causes and effects.
1 Chinese drama
1.1 the economy
1.2 culture
Effect of 2 Korean and South Korean culture policy
Effect of 2.1 Korean
2.2 South Korean cultural policy
3 people on the Korean China reaction
3.1 anti Korean concept
3.2 Chinese reason and background anti Korean wave
3.3 Chinese anti Korean wave

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