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1 他分了一半月饼给我
2 这个月饼被我们分成了4分,每人得到一份
3 和喜欢的人月光下,一起吃月饼感觉特比好
4 面对着喜欢的人,却不敢表白,那个感觉不是很舒服.
5 那么多朋友中,只有他是最了解我的
6 山里面的景色特别优美
7 这个景点对儿童免费 / 半价
8 我再也不想去 想那些烦恼的事情了,我就想好好玩几天,彻底放松下
9 因为那件事,他烦恼的几天 / 3 天都 吃不好饭,睡好觉
10 我前几天失眠 /.3天前失眠,现在好多了 / 现在彻底好了
1 他分了一半月饼给我 He shared one half of his mooncake with me.
2 这个月饼被我们分成了4分,每人得到一份 This mooncake can be divided into four pieces, and each of us can have a share.
3 和喜欢的人月光下,一起吃月饼感觉特比好The mooncake tastes much better when I can share it with someone I like.
4 面对着喜欢的人,却不敢表白,那个感觉不是很舒服.The feeling of not being able to confess to you someone you like is horrible.
5 那么多朋友中,只有他是最了解我的 Out of all my friends, he knows me the best.
6 山里面的景色特别优美 The scenery in the mountain is so beautiful.
7 这个景点对儿童免费 / 半价 The admission is free to all children. Children pay half off of regular admission
8 我再也不想去 想那些烦恼的事情了,我就想好好玩几天,彻底放松下 I don't want to think about those trouble things anymore. Let's relax and enjor ourselves for a couple of days.
9 因为那件事,他烦恼的几天 / 3 天都 吃不好饭,睡好觉 He has been troubled by that matter for a few days now. He could not eat and was sleep deprived for the last three days.
10 我前几天失眠 /. 3天前失眠, 现在好多了 / 现在彻底好了 I was sleep deprived for a few days. I could not sleep for the past three days. Now I am much better.