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Ever since human beings,the chemical will be formed a deep bond with humans.Fire by rubbing sticks,cook food with fire,firing pottery,smelting bronze and iron,are chemical technology.It is these applications,greatly promoted the development of social productive forces at that time become a symbol of human progress.
Today,the chemical as a basis for discipline,in the science and technology and all aspects of social life,are playing an increasing role.From ancient times,along with the progress of human society,chemical,historical development experience of what times?
Period of ancient chemical processes.At this time the human pottery,metallurgy,brewing,dyeing and other processes,mainly in the practical experience under the direct inspiration came after the number of years to explore,chemical knowledge has not been formed.This is a chemistry infancy.
Period of alchemy and pharmaceutical chemistry.From 1500 BC to AD 1650,alchemy warlock and alchemist who,in the Palace,in the churches,in their own home,in the deep forests of the smoky,in order to obtain immortality of the panacea,in order to obtain glory wealth of gold,started the first chemistry experiment.Records,summing up alchemy books,in China,Arabia,Egypt,Greece has a lot.Have accumulated a lot of material during this period between the chemical change,chemical preparations for the further development of a rich material.This is the chemical in the history of the strains of our breathtaking scene.Later,alchemy,alchemy,rise and fall several times so that people can see it more absurd side.Chemical shift in medicine and metallurgy have been given the proper play.In Europe during the Renaissance,the publication of several books on chemistry,for the first time with the "chemical" term.English,chemistry originated in alchemy,the alchemy.chemist still has a two related meanings:chemists and pharmacists.These can be said that chemistry grew out of alchemy and the cultural heritage of the pharmaceutical industry.
Phlogiston chemistry period.From 1650 to 1775,with the metallurgical industry and laboratory experience,the people have come up perceptual knowledge that the combustible material to burn because it contains phlogiston,the combustion process is combustible in the process of release of phlogiston,phlogiston released combustible later reduced to ashes.
Quantitative chemical period,while the period of Modern Chemistry.Before and after 1775,Lavoisier quantitative chemical experiment described the oxidation theory of combustion,creating a period of quantitative chemistry.During this period the establishment of a number of basic laws of chemistry,made of atomic theory,periodic law of elements found in the development of the organic structure theory.All of this for the development of modern chemistry laid a solid foundation.
Science and mutual penetration period,while the period of modern chemistry.The early twentieth century,the development of quantum theory to chemistry and physics have a common language to address many of the chemical on the outstanding issues; on the other hand,chemical Youxiang infiltration of such disciplines as biology and geology,so that proteins,enzymes structure has been gradually solved.