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没有朋友的人生是枯燥的.的确,每个人需要自己的朋友.朋友可以让我们在困难的时候度过难关,可以在我们开心的时候与我们分享快乐.然后 由于每个人的生活方式和理想不同 选择朋友的标准也不同.我认为选择朋友的标准 其一是该人应该有善良的心.这意味着该人的本质是什么.我们无法想象一个和一个心地并不善良的人朝夕相处会带来怎样的危害.另外的 我们有共同的兴趣爱好 生活方式和共同的思想和语言.这样我们之间会非常默契 彼此间非常和谐,也避免了许多因为思想不和带来的争吵.
Life without a friend is boring.Indeed,everyone needs their own friends.friends can carry us through the difficulities in times of trouble.can share happiness with us when we are happy.however,due to the difference of everyone's lifestyle and ideal ,the standard of choosing friends is also different.I think,the standard of choosing friends ,first,the person should have a kind heart.It means that what is the essence of this person.We can't imagine what kind of harm it will bring living with a wicked person day and night.Besides,we have many similar interests ,hobbies,lifestyles and the common thought and language.In this way,we will be very tacit understanding ,and very harmonious with each other,also avoid a lot of quarrels at the same time.欢迎楼主追问 补充:Life without a friend is boring.Indeed,everyone needs their own friends.friends can carry us through the difficulities in times of trouble.can share happiness with us when we are happy.however,due to the difference of everyone's lifestyle and ideal ,the standard of choosing friends is also different.I think,the standard of choosing friends ,first,the person should have a kind heart.It means that what is the essence of this person.We can't imagine what kind of harm it will bring living with a wicked person day and night.Besides,we have many similar interests ,hobbies,lifestyles and the common thought and language.In this way,we will be very tacit understanding ,and very harmonious with each other,also avoid a lot of quarrels caused by the discord of thoughts.at the same time.希望楼主满意,欢迎追问