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急求一篇题目为About Job Hunting 的英语作文

Now, many graduates are concerned about job hunting. However, before they dive into it, they have to think carefully what should be taken into consideration as for job hunting. As follows, I will give you some suggestions.
First of all, we should concerned about whether this job suits your interest. Interest is the best master. If you don't show much enthusiasm about it, your job will not last long.
Secondly, you should consider the room to develop. If it is not a promising job, you will not get a lot of satisfaction and are likely to leave it soon.
In addition, salary and location should also be taken into account. Even if it is a suitable job, you will not be accustomed to it given a low salary or a remote location.
In a word, before you take your first job, you have to take the factors above into careful consideration.

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