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Developing countries in the fight against poverty
In the initial 1 / fourth Century, people of the developing countries in reducing poverty levels, have achieved good results.Generally speaking, to overcome the problem of poverty on the implementation of three modes, One is like Brazil, and Mexico and India and other countries of the mode of growth before they are assigned, the pursuit of high speed development of economy, think that as long as the realization of the national industrialization, we'll be able to get rid of poverty population.However, these countries in the industrial policy, fiscal policy, foreign trade policy, population policy and economic system’s failure to appear again at the same time, the economic growth social aggravate polarization phenomenon. Another is the redistribution of light growth patterns, representatives of Sri Lanka is the model, It has long been implementing huge welfare subsidies and subsidies on price policy, but because the government burden of subsidies is overweight, cause low economic growth, also did not solve poverty problem. There is also a growing and distribution taking into account model, Singapore, South Korea is the example of this respect. In addition to economic development, poor people's status improved obviously. At the conclusion of this period of poverty in developing countries on the basis of lessons learned, some scholars suggested that development including the double meaning of the concept of growth and poverty eradication.
On October 24, 1970 by the General Assembly of the United Nations international strategy for development of the second decade,proposed to narrow the gap between rich and poor, saying that "the ultimate goal of development, must be the continuous advancement of the personal welfare, and bring benefits to all people. "Since in the 1980s, facing new changes in the economic situation emphasizes balanced development on many developing countries in poverty eradication strategies and the comprehensive development issues such as employment, poverty and welfare distribution in line with the overall economic development of the strategic objectives considered.Some countries have achieved significant results, its main measures are: remote and impoverished areas take special poverty reduction, poverty policy; support for agricultural development; provides a variety of conditions of employment and development for the poor; the establishment of appropriate social safety net; maintain social stability.

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