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You see now on the ground the square brick,is people commonly known as the "compound".In history is made of gold ingot in suzhou.This compound with the imperial palace used a touch too with the palace compound.Do the "compound",and not to say that this kind of brick mixed with substances such as the sands,but because this brick is gold ",the only real to use.And in strict production,if a group of compound,there are 6 piece of not hit "knock the sound,the broken it have no hole" degree,this a batch of compound is crap,to fire again.So,from the earth to the compound,more than two years of time.The origin of the name,compound three kind of view,one kind is compound is made by suzhou,sent to the city,so is "Beijing brick",then turned into a compound.Another story is the compound firing,quality of a material is solid,struck by sending out the sound of metal.And one is that in the Ming dynasty,a piece of gold ingot value a two gold,so called compound

小马宝莉中穗龙英文spike,意为“尖”(名词)或“钉子”。所以,奥罗威出场的那一集,碧琪说的是“  2020-06-29 …

不法商家常用掺了金属铱的黄金以次充好,技术人员对其进行鉴别的一种方法是:将等质量的24K纯黄金和掺  2020-07-06 …

(2013•三明)不法商家常用掺了金属铱的黄金以次充好,技术人员对其进行鉴别的一种方法是:将等质量  2020-07-06 …

小丽从自由市场购买了一箱牛奶,她想知道在牛奶中是否掺了水.通过查阅资料得知,在牛奶中掺水后,掺水含  2020-07-06 …

一通浓度为50%的果汁质量为2000克,先掺了500克水,觉得太甜,又掺了1500克水,这时的果汁  2020-07-06 …

一对夫妇开了一家酒店,由于酒的质量很好,价格合理,远近闻名,所以生意兴隆。有一天,丈夫有事出门几天  2020-07-06 …

某生物兴趣小组为了探究小鼠走迷宫获取食物的行为,设计了一个迷宫如图所示,图A和图B中的一只小鼠正在  2020-07-10 …

背景材料:某地有夫妻两人开了一家酒店,由于酒的质量很好,价格合理,远近闻名,所以生意很兴隆。有一天,  2020-11-05 …

一对夫妇开了一家酒店,由于酒的质量很好,价格合理,远近闻名,所以生意兴隆。有一天,丈夫有事出门几天,  2020-12-08 …

黑陶之所以是黑色的,是因为A.用的是黑泥B.泥里掺了黑色墨汁C.烧制完成后被涂成黑色D.在原泥里加入  2021-01-06 …