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假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume).给外教Mr Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)
Dear Mr Jenkins,
   Here is Li Hua.First of all,please accept my sincere appreciation for bringing us so many wonderful classes which I really enjoy during this semester.You are such an excellent teacher who always managed to make us learn from fun.In this way,we never consider learning as a difficult task.【高分句型一】(问好)Secondly,I want to ask you for help.As it is getting close to the end of the semester and we need to find a part-time job for social practise,I intend to apply one position in a company for international trading.【高分句型二】It is the first time for me to apply a job,I am not quite familiar with the format of the resume and the job application which I have prepared.So can you do me a favor to correct the mistakes of the words and format in these materials attached in the e-mail?【高分句型三】I will be very grateful for your help.Millions of thanks.(说明写信原因)
   I am looking forward to your reply.Please reply me before the date of 11th,October.(表达感谢)
Best regards,
Li Hua

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下面一段话中有错别字,有语病,请在错处进行修改.张晓是一位品学兼优的好学生,学习上他认真克苦,成绩  2020-07-13 …

刘安世,字器之。父航,终太仆卿。(安世)登进士第,不就选,从学于司马光,咨尽心行已之要。光教之以诚  2020-07-28 …

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五羊自行车厂组织78位劳动模范参观科普展览,为了节省经费,决定让其中10位劳模兼任司机.厂里有2种汽  2020-12-18 …

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