早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1. The entry required to close withdrawals at the end of the period should include a _______.
A。 Debit to Income SummaryB. Credit to CapitalC.Debit to Capital D. Debit to Withdrawals
2. Which of the following groups of accounts correctly appear on the post closing trial balance?
A.Rent Expense, Prepaid Rent, Capital
B.Withdrawals, Equipment, Accumulated Depreciation
C. Income Summary, Interest Receivable, Notes Payable
D. Capital, Cash, Unearned Revenue
3. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The operating cycle is the time required to acquire goods and services, sell the goods and services, and collect the cash
B. On a classified balance sheet, Land would be considered more liquid than Prepaid Rent
C.Generally, a business’s operating cycle will be longer than a year
D. On a classified balance sheet, long-term liabilities would appear first in the liabilities section
4. If a bank reconciliation includes an NSF check for $45. The journal entry to record this reconciling item would include ______.
A. Credit to Cash B. Debit to Cash C. Credit to Accounts Receivable D.No entry is required
5. An income statement reports ______.
A. The assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity on particular date
B.The change in the owner’s capital during the period
C. The cash receipts and cash payments during the period
D. The difference between revenues and expensed during the period
6. Which of the following statements related to receivables is true?
A. On the balance sheet, accounts receivable are usually reported as total accounts receivable plus the allowance for uncollectible accounts
B. A dishonored notes receivable should be shown as a current liability
C.When a notes receivable is not paid at maturity, the principal plus any interest due should be charged back to the customer’s accounts receivable
D.When a customer overpays his accounts receivable, the resulting balance should be properly shown among the long-term (noncurrent) assets on the balance sheet
7. A company uses a periodic inventory system and made an error at the end of year I that caused its year I ending inventory to be understated by $5,000. What effect does this error have on the company’s financial statements?
A.Net income is understated; assets are understated
B. Net income is understated; assets are overstated
C. Net income is overstated; assets are understated
D. Net income is overstated; assets are overstated
8. Which of the following factors would not be considered in the selection of LIFO as an inventory costing method?
A. Tax benefits
C.Physical flow
D. Improved cash flow
9. Which of the following methods of inventory valuation is allowable at interim dates but not at year-end?
A. Weighted average
B. Estimated gross profit rates
C. Retail method
D.Specific identification

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