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I truly felt guilty when you remind me I was not doing housework on time last week.Like I said,I have a very hard quiz on Monday and I spent most of the weekend to prepare that,I spent whole night in school before the day you met me.I was Ok when I saw my name on broad,but after,I saw the post in post on the facebook,and you high line the name on the paper which was affix on the bridge,I think there was a little overacting.When I did the cleaning in laundry room this time,to be honest I don't think that placed have been cleaned last time.This made me wonder the highlight on the paper was target the person who was not finished his cleaning on time or the person from Chinese who was not finish the cleaning on time.
When I saw your reminder, I felt sorry and embarrassed about the housework not being done last week. I was having a tough exam last week and I have been so focused on my studies. In fact, I was studying at school overnight before I met you on Monday. I plan to make it up as soon as I get some free time. But then, I saw my name on the notice board, your posting on facebook and the highlighted sticker on the fridge. I find that such exaggeration on just a tedious matter is totally uncalled for. In fact, when I cleaned the laundry room this week, I noticed that it was untouched from the week before. Apparently I am not the only one delinquent on doing the housework but I am the only one being picked on. Correct me if I'm wrong, I feel there is a double standard here.

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