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我还不习惯 天天就是玩电脑 看电视 有时做做作业 非常无聊
可大姑他们从珠海回来后 就大不相同了
有小朋友吵了 家里热闹多了 有时我也像个小孩子一样跟他们玩 丢失的童年好像又回来了 于是我们整天玩得不亦乐乎 竟然忘了做作业 转眼就过年了 春节那天我们更是战通宵
还有一件令我高兴的事 就是不领通知书 我知道我可能地理不及格 没想到爸爸要我明天就到老师家领 我想坏了 肯定要抄书 没想到都及格了 我当时真是高兴的无法形容
My winter vacation crossed happy just to put winter vacation me not to be familiar with daily was plays the computer to look that sometimes sometimes the television did does one's assignment very bored to be possible aunt they came back after Zhuhai some children to quarrel in the family on entirely different lively many I also to look like a child equally to play the loss with them the childhood probably also to come back therefore us all day to play the delight unexpectedly to forget to do one's assignment in an instant has celebrated the new year the Spring Festival that day we are the war also has one to make my happy matter all night not get the written notice me to know my possibly geography did not pass an examination had not thought daddy will want me tomorrowTeacher the family got me to want to go bad has definitely wanted to copy from a book had not thought that has passed an examination I at that time was really happy indescribable one month-long winter vacation very quick has passed, aunt they also returned to Zhuhai, in the family has not lived that it up, my also this total involvement invested into the study in!

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