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延边朝鲜族自治州 朝鲜族 传统葬礼文化 功能 民族特色
In the locality of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, the traditional burial culture of the Korean ethnic group is one of the most important among their basic marriage, burial and sacrificial ceremony cultures. Despite the burial ceremony has many meanings to the dead person, it is in fact more meaningful to the living persons. Burial ceremony is one of the ways for those people alive to perform their filial duty to the dead, it is also an opportunity for them to further introspect and review their personal life. Under the changing of the times and the influence of surrounding environment, the traditional burial culture of the Korean ethnic group has gone through several evolutionary processes.
However, after the reform and opening up, with the active encouragement and support from the state, rather than being fully inherited, instead the Korean ethnic group’s traditional burial culture is gradually forgotten, particularly among the younger generation. Owing to their lack of understanding in the burial culture, coupled with the insufficient environmental conditions to perform the burial ceremony, the younger generation has opted for the simplest way possible, and the most popular way is to follow the burial ceremony of the Han people. In order to let the traditional burial culture be given its proper due and development, the various relevant departments in the locality of the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, as well as the people should make concerted efforts to provide a conducive environment for the promotion of the traditional burial culture, and perfectly patch up our culture so that it can be full of the characteristics of the Korean ethnic group, and achieve the comprehensive cultural system of the Korean ethnic group.
关键词:Key words:
延边朝鲜族自治州 朝鲜族 传统葬礼文化 功能 存在问题 民族特色
Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture; Korean ethnic group; traditional burial culture; function; existing problems; ethnic characteristics.

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