早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1 马克思五十多岁了还在发奋学外语
2 盲人过去的时候,我正巧坐在路边
3 那条漂亮的项链花去了她一百万法郎
4 她刚刚抓住那孩子,他就挣脱开跑掉了
5 三分之一
6 汤姆把眼睛睁的大大的,然而除了几只蚂蚁什么也看不见
1.Marx was still learning English hard when he's over 50 years old.
2.I happened to be sitting at the roadside when the blindman passed by.
3.The bueatiful necklace costs her one million francs.
4.The child broke loose and ran away at the moment he's caught by her.
5.One third
6.Tom opened his eyes widely,but he could see nothing except some ants.