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公司为一种营利性的社会法人组织,必须以其组织章程为基础,在组织章程所规定的经营范围内开展经济或经营活动.公司超越其组织章程,从事其经营范围以外的活动,其行为为越权.对于这种越权,法律赋予其无效的后果.这就是公司法上的越权行为原则(Ultra Vires).公司的越权行为由最初的绝对无效发展到相对无效,既是公司法上的一大发展,也是历史的进步.现代公司法对于越权相对无效的原则所作出的一系列的修正已使越权行为原则的适用范围大大减少.在当代,越权行为原则已有被淘汰的趋势,甚至一些国家已明令加以废止.但更多的国家则是通过改变公司组织章程所载的目的性条款和加强公司内部权力约束的机制来限制越权行为原则功能的发挥.现代公司法正在为公司这一最典型的企业组织形式更好地适应社会经济生活提供更方便、更快捷,因而也是最有效的法律机制.我国公司法如要同近年来国际上出现的各国公司法的国际化、统一化的趋势接轨,必须改变自己的幼稚状态.其中,公司越权行为绝对无效的观点,就是这种幼稚状态的反映与体现,因而必须予以改变.
The company has to take its organization stand rule as foundation for a kind of social legal person organization which makes money sex and open exhibition economy or conduct an activity in the organization the management scope that the stand rule rule.The company surmounts it to organize stand rule and be engaged in it conducts scope outside of activity,its behavior is more a power.To this kind of more power,the law gives it the invalid result.This is more the company law power behavior principle(Ultra Vires).Company more power behavior from first absolute and invalid develop opposite and invalid,since is a big development of the company law,is also a historical progress.Modern company law for more the correction of a series of that the power opposite and invalid principle make has already more make the power behavior apply of principle the scope consumedly reduces.At the contemporary,more the power behavior's principle already is eliminate of trend,even some nations already clear make to take in to abolish.But more nations then pass a change company organization the purpose carry by stand rule item and strengthen the company internal power control of mechanism to limit more the power behavior principle function of exertive.The modern company law is betterly adapting a social economy life to provide for company this most typical business enterprise organized form more convenient and faster,as a result is also the most valid law mechanism.If the our country company law wants together international in recent years up appear of the internationalization of all countries company law,unify to turn of the trend be in line with,have to change an own immature appearance.Among them,company more the power behavior absolute invalid standpoint be reflection and body of this kind of immature appearance now,as a result have to give a change.

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