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下面是China Daily上有关大城市是否应该限制小汽车数量报道中的两种截然不同的观点.请仔细阅读这两段文字,然后用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你的个人看法.
观点一:More cars mean more pollution and more accidents.Car limitation can avoid building more roads and people living in big cities can be provided with more houses and parks.In this way,people can improve their lives.So it's necessary to limit the number of cars in big cities.
观点二:More cars mean more jobs and more convenience for people living in big cities.Meanwhile more cars can improve the industry of cars and of course speed up the city's development.So it's unnecessary to limit cars in big cities.
Different people have different ideas about car limitation in big cities.      
With the fast development of human society and the improvement of life standard,private car has become more and more common in our country,especially in cities.(高分句型)It brings some benefit for us but also causes many problems at the same time.(提出话题)
     For one thing,private car has increasingly played a significant role in our daily life.To start with,private cars provide more convenience as a kind of vehicle.Furthermore,with the increase of private cars,the automobile companies can offer more and more job opportunities and reduce the pressure of unemployment.Eventually,it is good for us to save more time to improve the efficiency of life.(高分句型) For example,we do not have to wait for a bus when we are in a hurry.(支持观点)
     However,for another,private car has caused many problems as well.Firstly,the environment would be heavily polluted if the number of private cars rises too quickly.The exhaust gas from cars pollutes the air and causes some serious problems to human health.Moreover,too many private cars will cause traffic jams instead of bringing convenience.Finally,the increase of traffic accidents has threatened the safety of people's life.(反对观点)
     As far as I am concerned,as our individuals,we should prefer to choose the public transportations when we go out.And for our government,they should take some measures to limit the increasing number of private cars.(提出自己看法)