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Since the 1980s, China's reform and opening-up policy, the financial sector for the development of a strong injection of vigor and vitality. China's state-owned commercial banks in this period has gone through from scratch and go from strength to strength and standardize the process and interpretation of a vibrant chapter in the reform. After more than two decades of reform and development of China's banking sector, the state-owned commercial banks to improve the operating efficiency of state-owned commercial banks to expand the size of the increase to strengthen the management of state-owned commercial banks and promote the reform of state-owned commercial banks and some state-owned commercial Even the reform of the banking market. However, the listing of state-owned commercial banks operating in a number of issues remain, particularly in corporate governance issues. In particular, after China's accession to the WTO, in the face of many large foreign commercial banks in the competition, as well as China's financial opening up, foreign banks into China, and China's state-owned commercial banks to compete, China's state-owned commercial banks, corporate governance issues has become Particularly prominent. Corporate governance issues will be conducive to China's state-owned commercial banks to increase the competitiveness of China's state-owned commercial banks to promote the rapid development.

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电子商务对流通业有着最_______的影响。推进流通领域的电子商务不仅有助于流通业自身的技术创新与  2020-05-24 …

英语翻译物业发展至今,已经涉及到整个社会的各个领域,每个人在生活中都和物业存在着或多或少的联系.在  2020-06-15 …

商丘华商农村商业银行(商丘华商银行)于2010年4月29日正式挂牌开业。商丘华商农村商业银行股份有  2020-07-10 …

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以下关于商业区的说法,正确的是()A.商业区只分布在城市中心,呈块状分布B.中心商务区是城市经济活动  2020-11-27 …

以下关于商业区的说法,正确的是()A.商业区只分布在城市中心,呈块状分布B.中心商务区是城市经济活动  2020-11-27 …

求将ebay着4个字母拆分成有商业意义的4个单词求将ebay着4个字母拆分成有商业意义的短语例如ea  2020-11-28 …

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银行出现的主要标志是A.随着手工业和商业的发展,出现了货币兑换业和兑换商B.兑换商不仅兑换货币,而且  2020-12-31 …