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活着的意义就是要奉献 就是要使别人快乐
The meaning of life is to love and care
The meaning of life is my own, not others
The meaning of life is to sacrifice is to make people happy
To live is to "continue to experience!" ! ! Whether you succeed or fail, if I enjoy and understand, when you do not take too many pictures, too much like . sorry
The meaning of life is to find the meaning of life
Everyone has their own meaning of life. People want to live your life. Meaning is for their own goals. Successful sweat to pay. Success, failure, laugh, cry, enjoy every step in to experience and enjoy . On the contrary if a person is not the ideal, what is done to show people that he can understand what people alive even these are not their own to experience, enjoy, then what is the meaning of life? In fact I want to say The on sentence: people want to live for themselves. live out wonderful.
Life is an objective, but also short-lived. Who live for their own subjective and objective for others is a unity of self-interest and altruism. Who live to complete a nexus of responsibility, a the growth and development, in the process Later, the best people are worth the value and meaning of Memorial. Of course, we must learn to cherish not have a second life, should strive to success in life, but also to learn to enjoy life.
People are not living for anything. The existence of life is not it a subjective decision, but in the randomly generated during the evolution of life. The evolution of life is driven by the forces of nature, mankind still can not compete with this power can only be controlled by genes in vivo proliferation of generations down, so in the future there will be more people by this "problem" of confusion.
Life is short, lives must die. Seventy years of life, if only for the meaning of life is relatively long and wasteful, but compared with more than 100 million years of the universe is extremely short-lived.

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