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小 燕 子
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Xiaoyan sub
" There is a girl,she has some willfulness,she has some arrogant; there is a girl,she is a little rebellious,she has some crazy ......"
I believe you have guessed,she is the one that make known to every family,everyone loves the princess Pearl swallow.
I love the swallow,for no particular reason,just as the thousands on thousands of music under her audience,was her youthful vitality of the infection.I don't know one thousand people's eyes have only the number of different" swallow",I only know that,in my mind --
She,is an ancient spirit demon swallow.She comes from folk,in playing up.She won't love the four books,but the crooked poetry; she won't fancies of men of letters,but will fight ......However,messengers of the gods and spirits her into the palace.From then on,she always makes the Qianlong emperor happy laugh,always put the queen gas must be angry and fierce ( although the queen did not seem" beard" ),can always get old Buddha elderly people dumbfounding ......The palace was heavily-guarded can also be a small woman get into,how can not call people admire?Jump out the plot,back to reality,the bold innovation,humorous style is also used in some ancient costume tv.However,it is Qiong Yao's only" swallow",easily fly out of the feudal Qing Dynasty Manchu siege,wearing clothing on screen in madness,alive and kicking ......She is not only the palace of subversion ......
She,is a profound friendship swallow.Although today only and crape myrtle is sworn in sisters,tomorrow can also help to forget about one's own" sister" to enter the paddock,see the emperor; though when the" Princess",but with "moon rosy Deng Zi small Zhuo Zi" become integrated with," friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs." careless; although she usually no less trouble,but she is willing to" normal person",the most sad is compromised the friends ......Such a" Flying Swallow",could not have stood in awe of his?
She,is a vengeful little swallow.At the sight of injustice" a roar,move when this skill." This is described as the heroes of Liangshan heroes,or used in a small woman?However,her character is indeed.In bully civilians without demur,beat him to a petals drop and waters flow."; the club" the boss,the boss is also planted in her hands; although the Armagh her love,but not clear she is duty-bound to take Xiangfei empress rescued the palace ......She is such a" heroine".
She take one's ease,is a small swallow.Like a bird blue sky,not being imprisoned in the prison,the little swallow Yun Yong is advocating freedom of the little swallow,unwilling to be restrictions and fetters shackle; unwilling to lose their individuality.Presumably,this is " swallow" the name really means!
This is a" swallow"," fly to home of common common people",flew into my heart.

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