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Global Shortage of Fresh Water 
1) 有人认为淡水是取之不尽的。(雨水、河水、井水、地下水)
2) 实际上淡水是非常紧缺的。(人口增加、工业用水增加、污染、干旱)
3) 提出解决问题的办法。
注意: 1. 词数:120字左右。
2. 卷面整洁分:2分
3. 注意语篇连贯,可根据需要增减括号中的内容。

Seventy percent of the earth's surface is covered with water , which might leads us to think that fresh water is everywhere and it will never be used up in the world.
Actually, fresh water is in a short supply. We know that only a little part of water is fresh water. Yet the demand for fresh water (in our daily life and in industry) seems great. Moreover, with the expansion of the population and development of industry, the amount of the fresh water needed will increase even rapidly. It is estimated that if such a trend continues, the fresh water   will be exhausted/used up very soon. What’s worse, more and more water resources are being polluted, and unfit to use , and more rivers and wells have dried up because of droughts.
The good news is that we are aware of the importance of fresh water and its shortage we are facing. We are trying to control the wastes from factories and develop new ways to recycle the used water.
In conclusion, the global shortage of fresh water, I believe, can be solved if we take some measures in time.


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