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小學六年級 英语作文以“my family 's chinese new year ”为题,介绍春节,包括节日的传统食物和过节方式一击你家人过节的情景 要求:时态准确,叙述连贯、清楚,层次分明,结构完整,70个单词左右 记住丫 是小学 六年级 水平!
Chinese all over the world celebrate Chinese New Year in February when the Lunar Year usually begins. In Malaysia, the Chinese celebrate the event with a festive spirit as it is the most important festival to them and every Chinese home is made ready for the great event. The preparations begin a month or so earlier as there are many things to be done before the great day arrives. Shops and supermarkets stock all kinds of Chinese delicacies, eg. sweetmeats, melon seeds and packets of specialities such as groundnuts which the Chinese must obtain and store up for the festival. In Chinese homes, the womenfolk get busy making cakes, biscuits, glutinous rice cakes and jellies which are stored away carefully, out of the reach of young children. Homes are spruced up, new curtains sewn, and new cushions and carpets bought to give the home a new look. Red lanterns are hung outside and new pots of flowers and Mandarin orange plants are placed in the garden. Children are the ones who enjoy the festive season most. They receive red packets containing money from their parents and their elders. New dresses are worn and old things cast aside as the New Year is supposed to be the start of a new period in their lives and everyone follows these traditional customs. On New Year's eve, the whole family gathers in the parents' home for a re-union dinner. Many delicious dishes make up the meal and everyone enjoys himself. This is only the start of the Chinese New Year celebrations which stretch on for a period of fifteen days.

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