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这道题的解题过程是?阅读理解. 阅
    [1] When you get in your car,you reach for it. When you're at work, you take a break to
have a moment alone with it. When you get into a lift, you play with it.
    [2] Cigarette? Cup of coffee? No, it's the third most addictive thing in modern life:                .
And experts say it is becoming more difficult for many people to control their longing to bug it
more tightly than most of their personal relationships.
    [3] The costs are becoming more and more evident,and I don't mean just the monthly bill.
Dr. Chris Knippers,a counselor at the Betty ford Center in Southern California,reports that the
overuse of cell phones has become a social problem not much different from other harmful addictions:
a barrier to one-on-one personal contact,and an escape from reality.
    [4] Sounds extreme,but we've all witnessed the evidence:The person at a restaurant who talks on
the phone through an entire meal,ignoring his kids around the table;the woman who talks on the
phone in the car, ignoring her husband;the teen who texts messages all the way home from school,
avoiding contact with kids all around him.
    [5] Jim Williams,an industrial sociologist based in Massachusetts, notes that cell-phone addiction
is part of a set of symptoms in a widening gulf of personal separation. He points to a study by Duke
University researchers that found one-quarter of Americans say they have no one to discuss their
most important personal business with. Despite the growing use of phones,e-mail and instant messaging,
in other words,Williams says studies show that we don't have as many friends as our parents." Just as
more information has led to less wisdom,more acquaintances via the Internet and cell phones have
produced fewer friends
."he says.
1. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 3 words)

2. Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?
    It is getting increasingly apparent to me that cell phone users have more to sacrifice besides
    the regular payment for the calls and messages.

3. What is the purpose of Paragraph 4? (no more than 5 words)

4. What do experts say about cell-phone addiction?

5. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.

1.the cell phone(3分);cell phone(2.5分);cell phones(2.5分)
2.The costs are becoming more and more evident,and I don't mean just the monthly bill.
3.To give the evidence./To provide supporting examples.
4.Cell-phone addiction has more separated people than bring them closer together.(3分)
    Cell-phone addiction is part of a set of symptoms in a widening gulf of personal separation(3分)
    The overuse of cell phones has become a barrier to one-on-one personal contact,and an escape
     from reality.(3分)
    The overuse of cell phones has become a social problem not much different from other harmful 
    More acquaintances via the Internet and cell phones have produced fewer friends(2分)

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