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麻烦哪位英语高手帮我写一篇关于Stop using disposable products的小作文.
Disposable products are practically a part of our life: we have disposable chopsticks, disposable cups, disposable clothes, etc. We cannot deny(否认) that disposable products bring us great convenience, sometimes maybe hygiene(卫生) as we expect. However, the wide use of so-called convenience goods is extremely (极其)harmful in many ways. (为什么使用一次性的危害 )
In the first place, our available(有限的,可以得到的) resources are on the decline….
Furthermore(进一步), disposable products cause serious pollution(污染) in our environment(环境)….
Finally, people are getting more extravagant(浪费)….(why)
In my opinion, stricter(严厉) measures(措施) should be taken to prevent(阻止) the wide use of …people should be further educated to increase their awareness (意识)of conservation(保护)….(how)
Many fast food places like Long John Silvers use disposable plates,cutlery etc.because they want to save on water used for washing them.The amount of resources thrown away by just one fast food outlet in a single day is astonishing.Same goes for Styrofoam takeaway boxes.Perhaps one way to discourage this would be to greatly increase the prices of disposable products.After all,large companies like these ought to fully understand the huge price the Earth is paying for their selfishness.
As for individually wrapped products,nothing more needs to be said.It's obvious that too much is being wasted,and the wrappers can't be recycled.If a large pack of Mentos contains 1kg's worth of individually wrapped sweets,imagine how much resources are being wasted by manufacturing enormous quantities of these packs a day.
In recent years,many disposable products are used in our daily life.Among them the number of usage of plastic is big.Besides,the disposable chopsticks,boxes are also very popolar.
This phenomenon has brought great influence on our life .Firstly,it ruins our environment.People discard the disposable products after using which affect our living environment.Secondly,it is a waste of resource to make too much disposable products.Finally,using disposable products may cause health problems.Some disposable products are not made in proper procedure.It may do harm to our health.
As for me,I propose that we should stop using disposable products.It can not only ruining our environment ,but wasting resource.As college students,we should do something to protect the environment,like promoting stoping using disposable products.From one to another ,let everyone know it!

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