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沿湖而行,可见对面山峦中有“达摩峰”.相传印度僧人达摩 来中国传 教,到达少林寺,面壁10年仍常有杂念涌入心头,于是走出寺庙来到去台山,在子房湖西畔山峦上静坐,
Fellow tourists,we together tour today the north Mingshan holy water ---- Yuntai.The Yuntai is the Mount Taihang department,is Yubei's Mingshan..(Warm plate valley,ovary lake scenic area) along the road on,crossed has welcomed guests the hole,the left side mountain valley cracks becomes the crack.This then is the warm plate valley scenic area.The valley deep 80 meters,widest place only ten feet -odd,on the valley hills surrounds,causes in this narrow deep valley the air not to be able to exchange well with the outside air,then has formed own unique microclimate,here winter dim daylight summer cool,temperature moderate,occupies as if permanent is warm,therefore warm plate valley.This valley 南端 waterfall named "white dragon brand waterfall",fable white dragon brand in this housing.Passes through tunnel which the mountain intermural opens cutting,we enter the warm plate valley scenic area.First straight enters the view is "a day".During the person line the mountain body coincides only leaves behind a world,is really marvelous.The scenic area 内秀 幽 male danger,the collection spring,the waterfall,the brook,the deep pool to a valley,usually enjoys "the bonsai canyon" the fine reputation.The canyon north and south long 1 kilometer,the width 3-10 meter,the both banks steep 壁山 stone is approximately beautiful,鬼斧神工,the vulture chisels as if becomes a giant bonsai,after also resembles the famed scenery concentration the essence,the botanical garden expert called it "the natural scenery high-quality goods porch",in the scenic area has the ramble stone,kisses the stone,the spirit turtle plays with water,Double Lion brand absoring water,landscape and so on turtle back stone.In the valley has nine Longtan,hands down perches the place for ancient times Kowloon,respectively be white Longtan,sub- Longtan,sleeps Longtan,the black dragon,Huanglong,卧龙,the black dragon,the first dragon and so on,because in valley department warm,the deep pool water year to year temperature about 10,summer the water is cool not suitably swims,but actually is the wintertime swimming good cloud place.Line to 黑龙潭,as soon as intermurally holds the waterfall 喷薄而出 from the mountain,if the drifting snow flutters Yang,extremely magnificent sight.In the dynamic water inflow static state water,is extremely beautiful.Founds a nation after at the beginning of the Han Dynasty,Zhang Liang after helps Liu Bang establishes the Chinese industry,merit Gao Zhenzhu,is afraid encounters Liu's poisoning,entreats,to resign on account of age and return to one's home place over and over goes.After open good returns to the hometown,still feels restless,thought also not too insures,then secretly wears poor clothing so as to be inconspicious the noon,lived in seclusion has gone to Taishan.Because of Zhang Liangzi ovary,therefore place the village calls:The ovary village ",the source calls" the ovary lake ".The present scenic area is raises the construction in the original lake,湖面 300 Chinese acres,the long approximately 8 Chinese miles,the widest place 300 meters,the water depth assumes the steps and ladders shape distribution,north the shallow south depth,the depth is in dire straits 100 meters,the water capacity is 100 million cubic,is a medium reservoir.Along the lake but the line,obviously in the opposite mountain range has "reaches touches the peak".Hands down the Indian Buddhist priests to reach touches China to do missionary work,arrives Shaolin Temple,faced the wall for 10 years still the common distracting thoughts to well up into the heart,thereupon went out the temple to arrive Taishan,on the bank mountain range sat in meditation west the ovary lake,

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