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On Stress
  Some people are afraid of stress. They think that the stresses and strains of work leads to their less joy and happiness. In their view, stress does harm to them both physically and mentally. That is why they prefer something less competitive or challenging.
  Others argue that stress isn't as bad as it often supposed to be. Unless it is overwhelming, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and stimulation. With out stress, you may slack off and idle away your time. It gives purpose and meaning to an otherwise meaningless, dull life. People under stress tend to bring their potential into full play and to realize their goals.
  In my opinion, we shouldn't escape from stress but to face it as it is. What we can do is to adapt to the stress and to profit from it rather than to avoid it.

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无题(李商隐)1.李商隐写了不少“无题”诗,以无题为题等于没有题目,你能够根据诗的内容或情感为本诗  2020-06-09 …

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