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Regardless of what happened yesterday and what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present moment is where we are.

Regarded as a lecture master, Nick Vujicic, without arms and legs by birth, is the very person I’ve been admiring.
Disabled as he is, he has proved to the world that he can live as rich and full a life as a normal person. He never sat around feeling sorry for himself, nor did he worry about his future. On the contrary, owing to his optimism and perseverance, not only has he succeeded in caring for himself and playing sports, but he also graduated with distinction and completed a double degree. What amazes and inspires me most is that he is keen on delivering speeches and has even started a non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs, to help others like him attain their ambitions.
On his life journey, Nick has sought after the best himself despite his disabilities. Similarly, We are what we are, not what we were or what we will be. Cherish the present, develop our limitless potential, and we’ll also lead a more meaningful life.

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