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本文翻译:As we all know, driving a country's economic growth needs: investment, consumption and export. Three are coordinated pull.
However, excessive dependence on China's economic growth in investment and exports, domestic consumption, the proportion of very little, in fact, the world's major powers and all are relying on domestic consumption driven economy, the export of instability, it is vulnerable to the impact of trade protectionism by policy affects other countries, China is a big country naturally can not be subject to the national economy of other countries, is the natural development of domestic consumption fundamental economic rise of great powers.
众所周知,拉动一国经济增长需要:投资,消费,出口.三者协调拉动.(As we all know, driving a country's economic growth needs: investment, consumption and export. Three are coordinated pull.)
但我国的经济增长过度依靠投资和出口(However, excessive dependence on China's economic growth in investment and exports)
国内消费所占比例却很少(The proportion of domestic consumption is rarely)
事实上,世界上的大国无一不是依靠国内消费拉动经济的(In fact, the world's major powers and all are relying on domestic consumption driven economy)
出口不稳定,很容易受贸易保护主义冲击,受他国政策影响(Export instability, is vulnerable to trade protectionism and the impact of policy implications by his country)
我国是大国自然不能将本国经济受制于别国,自然发展国内消费才是大国经济崛起的根本.(China is a big country naturally can not be subject to the national economy of other countries, is the natural development of domestic consumption fundamental economic rise of great powers.)

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