早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the question given below.
1. 事情的起因   2. 与书店交涉的经过   
3. 呼吁服务行业 (service industry) 必须提高服务质量
I am writing this letter to mirror some problems I run into recently and hope that the service industry will be a little improved.
This weekend I got an English-English dictionary in a bookstore near my school for its cover is well designed. But when I went home and turned the page, I found that the several pages of the dictionary had been cracked and damaged. What is the matter, the misprints spread everywhere in the dictionary and seriously disturbed my comprehension. With such damage and misprints to the dictionary, I went back to the bookstore to ask for a change. But to my great surprise, the assistant of the bookstore refused my request and even denied admitting the poor quality of the dictionary.
It goes without saying that today’s market-oriented econ omy calls for much higher standard for service industry. However, many of the commercials fail to meet this standard and the quality of the staff needs to be improved. It’s obvious that the poor quality o f the businessmen in the service industry will not only deeply discourage customers but also block the development of the economy. As a result, with much hope for your newspaper to remind the service industry of attaching more importance to the service promotion, I write to you.
With best regards!
Yours sincerely,
John Hans


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