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网球比赛的计分方式与其他比赛的计分方式与众不同.其他比赛都是以1分来计分的.而网球是胜1分叫“15”,2分叫“30” ,3分叫“40”.如果双方的比分都是40分,那就要领先两个球,才可以赢得这一局.
The tennis game way of keeping score and other game way of keeping score is different. Other games are 1 points to score. And tennis is wins and one points called "15", two points called "30", 3 points called "40." If both the score of the 40 points, that is about to lead two goals, can win the game.
Tennis stadium kinds also have very DuoZhong. The grass field is one of them. It is the oldest, the most traditional means of a field. Its characteristic is the ball with the ground of be born friction small, fast speed, the bounce of the ball on the players' reaction, sensitive, running speed and skills require very high.