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He was in the park last week
Peter and lisa were in the toy store last month.
My mother and I were in the bookstore yesterday.
Vivian was a student eight years ago.
I was a teacher five years ago.

My mother was in the shopping mall yesterday.
Was he in the park last week?
Yes,he was.
No,he wasn't.
Were Peter and lisa in the toy store last month?
Yes,they were.
No,they weren't.
Were your mother and you in the bookstore yesterday?
Yes,we were .
No,we weren't.
Was Vivian a student eight years ago?
Yes,she was .
No,she wasn't.
Were you a teacher five years ago?
Yes,I was.
No,I wasn't.
Was your mother in the shopping mall yesterday?
Yes,she was.
No,she wasn't.
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