早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1在周末期间 2听起来很有趣 3在38频道 4过的愉快,玩的高兴
5下棋 6打桥牌 7享受每一分钟 8度周末
9有些特别的事 10综艺类节目 11积极参加体育类活动 12在学校足球队
13去慢跑 14加入我们 15尝起来很恶心
1you don'tneed to take a bus .it's just within walking d______
2just go s______ ahead to the t-junction.the post office is on your right.
3we mustn't cross the road when the t_______light is red.
4it is s_______ to take the footbridge to cross the street.
5the t_______in shanghai is very heavy.there are too many buses and cars on the road
1在周末期间 during the weekend
2听起来很有趣 Sounds interesting
3在38频道 IN channel 38 这题查了很久,的确用in
4过的愉快,玩的高兴 have fun
5下棋 play chess
6打桥牌 play a bridge game/ play bridge
7享受每一分钟 Enjoy every minute
8度周末 spend the weekend
9有些特别的事 Some special things/something special
10综艺类节目 Variety show
11积极参加体育类活动 Take an active part in sports activities
12在学校足球队 in the school football team
13去慢跑 go jogging
14加入我们 join us
15尝起来很恶心 Tastes very disgusting
1you don't need to take a bus . it's just within walking distance______
2just go straight______ ahead to the t-junction. the post office is on your right.
3we mustn't cross the road when the traffic_______light is red.
4it is safer_______ to take the footbridge to cross the street.
5the traffic_______in shanghai is very heavy. there are too many buses and cars on the road
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