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With the development of the computer technology and the internet,we have got a new media to know the outside world.And our life is greatly changed with it.On the internet,you can get both the domestic news and the international news as well.For our daily communication,you can send E-mails to your friends and the other people.Of course,you can study whatever you like on the internet,such as,English and other subjects.Meanwhile,you can appreciate music,sports and enjoy the video games.Recently,more and more people,especially young people,are interested in shopping online.Anyway,internet is changing our style of life and the way of thinking as well.
It is no doubt that computer and its internet play very important part in our life,study and work.On the computer,we can look for some new and fresh information so that we can study more knowledge.And more and more people realize that we are in the non-paper times.That's to say we can do lots of things without paper like before.But meanwhile,some people,especially some young people are too addicted to the video games on the computer internet.It is a waste of time and energy.So,the question whether a computer is good or bad depends on how we use it.If we use it in a proper way,it will be very helpful to our life and study.
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