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同形结构原是符号学的类象性概念(即相同特征)的延伸,指符号的能指与所指达到形态与结构的高度一致,也就是符号与它所表示的事物之间有着相当程度地直观相似性.比如塑像是同形结构一个恰当的实例,因为它必须是某一实体近似的立体再现.一幅山水画,它与它表示的真实山水是相似的,这就是同构体,一个地区的地图与该地区地形地貌也是同构体.奈达利用符号学的同构理论解释描述翻译中源语与译语之间的语言文化错位问题.比如汉语说“如雨后春笋般生长”,这是一个比喻说法,用“雨后春笋”比喻事物生长的快速,而英语中则不用这个比喻,却用mushroom来比喻生长快速,把“如雨后春笋般生长”译成to grow like mushroom更为确切.同形结构理论的文化心理基础是:
The fractal structure with theory and application
Different language system of the deep structure exist great cultural differences, the translation of how to deal with these language outside of the cultural differences? Nida theory into functional equivalence with the fractal structure (isomorphism, also known as the "isomorphism" or isomorphism body) this concept to solve this problem, the method.
The fractal structure with original is like sex of semiotics of concept (namely the same characteristics) is outspread, refers to the symbols and signifier to form and structure of the height consistent, also is the symbol and what it says things have significantly intuitive similarity. Such as the statue is the fractal structure with a good example, because it must be a three-dimensional entity approximate representation. A landscape painting, it and it shows the real landscape is similar, this is isomorphism body, a map of the area and the area topography is also makes the body. Nida use semiotics isomorphism theory to explain the source language and translation in the description of the target language culture between language dislocation problem. Such as Chinese said "popping up growth", this is a metaphor, with "have" parable of rapid growth things, and English are not in this parable, but with the mushroom to describe "rapid growth," popping up growth "translated into more exact to grow like mushroom. The fractal structure with the theory of culture and psychological foundation is: