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Purchasing Housewares购买家庭用品 Dorothy : How much is our budget? Billy : Ten thousand dollars. Dorothy : We've already bought an oven, a washing machine, a dishwasher, and a refrigerator. We don't have much money left, do we? Billy : There's still more than enough money for you to buy kitchen equipments. Dorothy : We need a blender, a toaster, some bowls and plates, two pressure cookers, a couple of frying pans, and two or three saucepans. Billy : Take your time. Let's start with the blender. Dorothy : Do you think we'll need a coffeepot? Billy : I don't drink coffee, and neither do you. It's not necessary. Dorothy : But we might have visitors who prefer coffee to tea. Billy : It's up to you, but I prefer buying a tea service. Dorothy : Can we buy both? Billy : If it will please you, I have no objection. Dorothy : Let's do that then. Billy : Do we need a vacuum cleaner, Dorothy? Dorothy : Oh, yes. A vacuum cleaner. I almost forgot that. Billy : I wonder if they have delivery service. I certainly can't carry this much. Dorothy : Let's ask them and then decide whether we should buy all the stuff in one day
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