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关键词 加强 医药行业 财务 管理
The pharmaceutical industry is related to people's life and health, there are extensive attention.If maintained the momentum of steady growth, the pharmaceutical industry has great potential.China's pharmaceutical industry since the reform and opening up has maintained a relatively fast growth, has become an important part of the national economy.After China joins World Trade Organization, the pharmaceutical industry is also facing fierce international competition.In this case, to strengthen the internal management of the pharmaceutical industry, especially the financial management is particularly important.Based on the analysis of China's pharmaceutical industry status quo and development trend, find out that exists in financial management, accounting management. Production of light foundation is weak, ignore the budget and cost control and blind expansion problem, put forward to strengthen financial management, consolidate basic financial, perfecting inner control, cost control and prevention of financial risk measures, strengthen the financial management of the pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical industry, promote the sustainable and healthy development.
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