早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


- Use Case Model
- Initial Class Diagram
- Sequence Diagram
ECIT Airways is a new Airline operating out of Nanchang, they currently have 72
employees, including baggage handlers, Pilots, Cabin Crew and Administrative staff. They have many
flights traveling to and from many airports, but Nanchang Airport is the central hub. The airline
caters for Economy, Business and First class passengers, and offers online booking and check in as
well as onsite services.
-Passengers must be able to book their own flights and check in
- Passengers can make multiple bookings
- Passengers can upgrade a booking class IF there is room
- Certain staff such as pilots can only be associated with one flight at a time, other staff
members can be responsible for multiple flights such as those that work at check in
- The company has a CEO (Dean Liu) who may need to be modelled in this system
- The airplane must take off from one airport and land in another
- The airline has many airplanes
- Each plane can run multiple flights per day
你去trufun plato上参考他们的案例模型自己画吧,这个english也太~~~~~~,只能考你自己了!
看了 UML模型画图ECIT航空公...的网友还看了以下: