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假定你是李华。下面的图是 Odeon 影院在本周上演影片的广告 而你正好有两张票 你想约你的英国朋友 Peter 在本周六和你一起看影片。请你根据广告的内容 给他写封信 ( 请在信中提及该影院的位置距离 Peter 住的旅馆有点儿远 ) 。你想约 Peter 下午 5 15 分在影院门口见面 并在看完影片之后 在影院设的餐馆用餐 并告诉他该餐馆的用餐时间。若不能赴约 Peter 打电话告诉你。


答案:提示:Dear Peter I have two tickets for the double show on Saturday night June 7th. I’d love you to come with me. They’re showing two full-length films: The Wild West and War Story. It’s a good program which lasts three hours from 5:30 to 8:30. The show is on at the Odeon Cinema. North Road which is a bit too far from your hotel. We can eat something at the cinema restaurant after the show is over. The restaurant stays open from 6:00 to 10:00. Let’s meet at the gate of the cinema at 5:15. Phone me if you can’t make it. Yours Li Hua  

看了 假定你是李华。下面的图是Od...的网友还看了以下: