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Beijing (Beijing,formerly Peking).Beijing short.The capital of People's Republic of China,the Communist Party of China Central Committee resident,one of China's four municipalities,China's political,economic,scientific and cultural center,one of the domestic and international exchanges,the country's second largest city,the largest city in northern China.
Beijing is a 3,000 years of history of the founding of the city,the Capital 850 years of Chinese history and culture,history and the ancient capital city of Beijing the economy developed,and it is China's largest air traffic hub.In 2005 the State Council approved the "Beijing overall urban planning (2004 to 2020)",Beijing was defined as "the national capital,international city,and cultural relics,livable city." By 2007,Beijing household registration population has reached 12.03 million,it is the city's total population 17.43 million.Beijing municipal tree for Sophora japonica and oriental arborvitae,'s floral emblem for Rose and chrysanthemums.Phone Number:010; Zip code:100000.
Beijing centre is located at 39 degrees 54 minutes north latitude,116 degrees 23 minutes east longitude.At the northwest edge of the North China Plain.Beijing and neighboring Tianjin,and Hebei Province and Tianjin to be around.Beijing West,North and Northeast,the mountains around,the South East is tilted slowly to the plain of the Bohai Sea.Beijing Plain in the altitude of 20 to 60 meters,mountain general elevation of 1000 to 1500 meters,and the junction of East Mountain Hebei 2,309 meters above sea level,the peak for Beijing.River runs through the territory of five,mainly the eastern part of the Chaobai River,North Canal,west of the Yongding River and Jumahe.Beijing is the topography of the northwest,southeast low.Tumo Taihang Mountains west is the Xishan,is the Yanshan mountain range north of the military Hill,the two-ditch clearance in the south of the intersection,forming a semicircle to the southeast mountains start bending,known as "Beijing bends," it around the small plains namely Beijing small plains.Looking at Beijing terrain,the mountains lapel,and the situation magnificent.As the ancients said:"You Zhou of the left ring sea,and the right to Yong Tai,North pillow Jiyong,South lapel River Jeju,-Land of Abundance."
Beijing city's land area 16,400 square kilometers.Plain area of 6,339 square kilometers,accounting for 38.6 percent.Mountain area of 10,072 square kilometers,accounting for 61.4 percent.City of 87.1 square kilometers.
Beijing is the world's historical and cultural city and one of the ancient capital.Back in Qishimonian ago,the Beijing Zhoukoudian area will appear primitive tribal groups,"the city." City and Beijing also has built more than 2,000 years of history,and first seen at records for the names of "thistle."公元前1045年北京成为蓟、燕等诸侯国的都城;公元前221年秦始皇统一中国以来,北京一直是中国北方重镇和地方中心;自公元888年以来,北京又先后成为辽陪都、金上都,Yuandadu,Ming and Qing States.October 1,1949 officially designated as the capital of People's Republic of China
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