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Dear Sir

I’m Li Hua one of the student who attended the course English Film Appreciation in last term. I like it very much mainly for the two reasons. First in the class we are exposed to different kinds of English films that help us improve both our English listening or speaking. Equally attractive is the amazing stories of heroes because they show us how a person can work hardly to make a difference.

As a young student I suggest that the teacher choose some more films that appeal to our teenagers thus making the course more interested. Besides more activities should be included so that we can have many chances to practice our English.

I’d appreciate if you could take my suggestions into consideration. I hope that the course will become more popular.

                                                               Yours Sincerely

                                                               Li Hua


Dear Sir

I’m Li Hua one of the student who attended the course English Film Appreciation in last term. I like it very


much mainly for the two reasons. First in the class we are exposed to different kinds of English films that help


us improve both our English listening or speaking. Equally attractive is the amazing stories of heroes because

                              and                      are

they show us how a person can work hardly to make a difference.


As a young student I suggest that the teacher choose some more films that appeal to our teenagers thus


making the course more interested. Besides more activities should be included so that we can have many

                   interesting                                                     more                                                         

chances to practice our English.

I’d appreciate ∧if you could take my suggestions into consideration. I hope that the course will become more



Yours Sincerely

                            Li Hua

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